All your favorite one-hit wonders from the '80s.


A one-hit wonder is a musical artist who is successful with one hit song, but without a comparable subsequent hit. The term may also be applied to an artist who is remembered for only one hit despite other successes (such as "Take On Me" by a-ha, which came top in a Rolling Stone magazine poll to find the top one-hit wonder).

These artists had only one top 10 hit which charted during 1960-1969. Chart appearances and counts span from 1900-2016 only, so artists who charted from 2016-2020 may be falsely classified as a one hit wonder if they had another hit during this period. List of Singles for Cole Swindell. The list of top singles for Cole Swindell come from the charts. Chart appearances and counts span from 1900-2016 only. Chart appearances include Pop, R&B, Country and Rock.

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